Lee's Summit, Missouri, Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Company

Your Local, Trusted Professionals

If you have pests (ants, termites, bed bugs, etc.) or wildlife (bats, raccoons, squirrels, snakes, moles, etc.) problems in your home and business – we can help. We are local professionals with a biologist on staff and have been providing service at reasonable prices since 1989 – we are NOT a franchise. We are licensed, insured, and trusted — which explains our more than 500 positive Google reviews. Icing on that cake is that we also provide repair services. This means that if your wildlife situation resulted in damage to your business or home, on top of removing the animals we can also repair the damage — saving you the hassle of finding and hiring a general contractor.

If you are located in Lee’s Summit and need pest or wildlife control — give us a call at (816) 769-3106 or use the contact form. We will reply to your message.


Lee's Summit - Bat Removal Story | Click to Expand

A homeowner in Lee’s Summit used an Unnamed National Franchise to remove bats from their attic in the summer of 2022. They received a one-year warranty. The bats were back in the summer of 2023 and when they called the Unnamed National Franchise, they were (correctly) told that bats cannot be removed during summer, and to call back in August (in the summertime bats are taking care of their young, and if the adults are locked out of the attic the babies will die for lack of care - trust us, you don't want hungry baby bats in your attic that are not being taken care of). When they called back to the Unnamed National Chain in August, they were told that their one-year warranty had just expired.

Frustrated with the Unnamed National Franchise, they called us. We found the very small hole the bats were using (top left photo) – a clue was the little specks of bat guano on the wall of the house (see photo). We installed a one-way door to seal the hole and lock the bats out. When the bats were all out of the attic we then removed the one-way door and sealed the hole. Because bat guano is a hazardous material, we inspected the attic to see if the insulation needed to be replaced – but the good news is that the homeowners caught the bat problem soon enough that the insulation was OK and did not need to be replaced.

The moral of the story here? If you do not want to hire a national franchise, contact us - local professionals who have been in business since the 1980's. We live here, we work here, and we love the Kansas City area.

National Franchise quotes $18k for attic insulation from mice ?! | Click to Expand

A KCMO homeowner called us because they wanted a second opinion before spending $18,000 with an unnamed National Franchise having their attic insulation replaced due to mouse droppings.

First, I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. $18,000 for insulating a house? We've insulated businesses and churches that cost $18,000 or more, but a house? That sounds very high.

Second, mouse droppings?! Sure, no one likes droppings, but let's be reasonable here: mouse droppings are not hazardous. When we say that bat and raccoon droppings/feces/guano are hazardous, we're not simply promoting our services or trying to scare people into calling us - bat and raccoon droppings are hazardous to humans. The CDC lists those hazards on their website. But mouse droppings? First, ok, yes, make sure you don't have active mice. Then second, sure, clean that "stuff" up where you see the mess - but you don't have to throw out thousands of dollars of insulation in your attic and bring in new insulation due to mice.

As I said, the homeowner called us because they wanted a second opinion before spending $18,000 with the unnamed National Franchise. We offer free inspections for insulation estimates only. All our inspections include entering the attic to inspect for any signs of animal or pest activity as well as evidence of damage, such as wire damage, flex tube damage (very common if squirrels or raccoons are present), etc. Our job is to protect your home. Each technician will take pictures to show the homeowner what was found. We can email or text these pictures to the customer for future reference. 

We went out and inspected the attic and provided the homeowner with a report along with our recommendations.

What did we find? Two little mouse droppings. That's it. This is not what would be considered an infestation, and even if there was a larger quantity let's not forget that, despite any type of waste being unclean and unpleasant, mouse droppings are not hazardous. You don't have to throw EVERYTHING out. Only in EXTREME situations would we even consider removing attic insulation because of a mouse infestation. 

The homeowner called us up later in the day, expressing appreciation for the professionalism and expertise demonstrated by our technician, and saying that they are ending their business relationship with the unnamed National Franchise and will only call us in the future for any type of pest or animal control need.

What's sad about this situation is that this is not an isolated instance. We've heard and seen this before. It's too bad that not all businesses choose to conduct themselves in an ethical and honorable fashion. Whether the franchise was simply being greedy and purposely trying to take advantage of this homeowner, or whether the franchise innocently thought that mice droppings were hazardous and doesn't know what they are doing - neither one of those bodes well for the franchise.

For us? What more can we do besides be here, and available. We're continuing to conduct business the way we have for over 30 years. We might be considered "old school" because we're not greedy and are not quoting high prices for unnecessary work and have spent years studying and gaining knowledge and experience in this arena, but we believe that, in the long run, this is the proper way to do business.

Lee's Summit, MO, squirrels - an overlooked access hole | Click to Expand

Here are some photos from another Lee's Summit house of an attic access hole that was missed by another company. The area had already been patched and flashed and "looked good". However, looks can be deceiving and, as you can see from the photo of our technician's hand, a significant gap was still present, allowing animals access to the attic.

While we’re all human, and anyone can make a mistake, but this is a good example of why many of our customers prefer to use us, local professionals, rather than a national franchise.

Bees in Chimney | Click to Expand

Honeybee problems are rare, but they happen. There are over 400 species of bees local to the Kansas City area, with 3 invasive European honeybee species also present. Bees can create colonies within soffits, as well as within or behind brick or stone chimneys. Any cavity within a natural or manmade structure can be used by the bees to create a hive.

This particular job was in Raymore, MO. Bees had gotten inside a brick chimney through loose mortar, and, over the course of several years, had built a good-sized hive. The bricks had to be removed so we could safely remove and relocate the hive. What!? We removed and relocated the hive? We didn't just blast the bees?! Remember, we have a biologist on staff here at Catch-It and we've said that we care about our ecosystem -- those words are not just meaningless "marketing talk". The fact is that bees are an important part of our environment and ecology --- bees are so important that life as we know it would not be the same without them. We try to preserve honeybees anytime we can. While, frankly, it is not always practical or feasible to preserve them, we do try.

Back to our story... After removing and relocating the bees our next focus was on cleanup. All remaining pieces of the hive, as well as honey, has to be removed to prevent other insects from creating more problems in the future.

Once the clean up was complete we used a special sealant to block the odor to prevent any future infestation (photo below).

The final step (not pictured, and we're kicking ourselves for not getting a photo as it looked so good!) is to seal any vulnerable points of entry to prevent a future bee infestation and repair anything necessary related to the project. One of the benefits of choosing Catch-It is that we provide repair services - which saves you the hassle of locating a contractor to handle a repair project. In this case, we reinstalled the brick to repair and seal the chimney.

Contact Us Today in Lee's Summit

Feel Comfortable In Your Home Again

Hi there, I'm Steve, the Owner of Catch-It, and I personally handle all incoming inquiries from the website. If you have a question or need help, send me a message via the form below and I'll be in touch with you soon (often the same day). If your query is urgent, please give us a call at (816) 769-3106.

Steve Painter, Owner, Catch-It Wildlife and Pest

    Why Choose Catch-It?

    We love animals!

    We love animals, which is why we have a biologist on staff. Before hiring any Wildlife Control company (whether they are a National Franchise or a small one-person operation that's been in business 2 years) you should ask if they have a biologist on their team!

    We want to see animals live happy and healthy. Our preferred method of animal control is always safe and humane relocation. If lethal methods are required we carefully utilize humane methods approved by the American Veterinary Medical Association.

    Over 30 years in business and 500+ Google reviews!

    You can call a big national franchise with inflated prices and high employee turnover - or you can call us, local experts who have been doing this for almost 35 years and have thousands of satisfied customers here in Lee's Summit/the Kansas City area.

    True experts!

    We can identity different types of animals, often by reviewing the damage our customers have experienced. The mitigation/removal approach we take varies per animal, species, and even customer. We have been doing specialty wildlife and pest control work for decades and have seen it all. We've solved every animal and pest problem that exists -- don't hesitate to reach out and let us help you.

    Lee's Summit, Missouri, City Information and Sources

    Lee’s Summit, Missouri, is a thriving suburban community within the Greater Kansas City metropolitan area, boasting a population of approximately 106,031 residents. The city, spread across a geographic area of 65.87 square miles, is well-connected by major highways including I-470, US 50, M-291, and M-150, offering easy access to the metropolitan area’s vast commerce, employment, services, and recreational opportunities. With its rapid growth over the past decades, Lee’s Summit has transformed into one of Missouri’s fastest-growing communities.

    The city’s residents enjoy a median household income of $98,960, highlighting the economic prosperity and quality of life that Lee’s Summit offers. Education and homeownership are high priorities, with a significant percentage of the population holding bachelor’s degrees or higher and a homeownership rate of 76.4%.

    Lee’s Summit is not just about urban development; it’s also a place where nature and wildlife thrive. The Missouri Extension’s wildlife ecology and management programs emphasize the importance of habitat for species survival, from bobcats and coyotes to a variety of bird species. 

    With its blend of economic prosperity, educational opportunities, and a commitment to natural preservation, Lee’s Summit offers a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle for those considering making it their home. The city’s main attractions, alongside its school districts and the median household income, make Lee’s Summit an attractive destination for families and professionals alike.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Are you properly licensed to do Wildlife Control work?
    Yes, we are licensed as required by any state (Missouri and Kansas) and we comply with all federal state, and municipal laws.

    Do you have the proper insurance to protect our business or home?
    Yes, we carry Worker’s Compensation and General Liability insurance of $1 million.

    What type of training do you and your technicians have?
    Most of our Wildlife Technicians have a Wildlife Biology Degree, Biology Degree, Wildlife Management Degree, or a degree in a relevant field – when we use the term “professionals” referring to our team, it’s an accurate term and is not simply “marketing-speak”. We also understand that learning is a never-ending process and we strive to keep abreast of the most recent technologies and techniques for resolving wildlife conflicts. The President of Catch-It Wildlife and Pest Control has been trapping for over 30 years.

    Will you do an inspection of our home to find what and where the problem is?
    Yes, we do a complete and careful inspection of the exterior portion of the home. We may also need to check the home from the ground or roof. We will do whatever is needed to resolve your problem. If any other problem is found during this inspection, we will inform you of the situation and resolve the issue if requested. Examples would be bird entry points or any other animal infestation point.

    Will you inspect the attic also?
    Absolutely, we will check for any wiring that may have been gnawed on by animals or damaged by pests. We will notify you of any other problems immediately after we discover them. (keep in mind that, while we do check for wire damage and we can handle general construction repairs, we are not electricians and we do not handle electrical repairs)

    Can you repair the damage done to my home by animals or pests?
    Yes, we can complete most repairs. We install sheet metal over points of entry to prevent any future infestations. We also install chimney caps, roof vents, weather stripping, screen louvered vents, and install bird-proof covers over dryer and bathroom vents. Of course, this is only a sampling of what we can do – instead of posting a comprehensive list that would be boring to read through, it’s easiest to just discuss what we can do when going over the inspection report and estimate.

    Do you use lethal methods on wildlife?
    Yes, we use lethal and live trapping methods. In most situations the lethal methods are the most efficient. Also, by using this method there will be no fear of the animal returning to cause further problems for you or your neighbors. Lethal methods are the norm in the wildlife control industry.

    When an animal is caught when will it picked up?
    Traps are checked 7 days a week, once every 24 hours. Customers are asked to contact their Wildlife Technician once an animal is in a trap that has been placed. If you contact your technician, the animal will be picked up the same day and often less than an hour. Times may vary, yet picking up animals as quickly as possible is one of our top priorities!